Call for Papers

Please download the current Call for Papers 2025 here.

The PowerPlant Chemistry® journal is now the PPCHEM® journal!

Topics covered in the past such as corro­sion, cycle chemistry guidelines, DeNOx and DeSOx processes, environmental as­pects, flue gas cleaning, instrumentation, ion exchange, monitoring, physical chem­istry, plant cycle chemistry, sampling, and wastewater treatment are not solely important in power generation but are of interest to the chemical, pharmaceu­tical, and process industries as well. The PPCHEM® journal wants to serve all users who are involved in efforts to increase the reliability, availability, economic viability, and the operational and environmental safety of these processes.

With the renaming of the journal, we have opened the journal to authors, readers, and advertisers from outside the field of power generation. Water treat­ment and cycle chemistry are not only challenges in power generation but also in all industrial processes where water or steam is used.


Tapio Werder
Editor in Chief

E-mail: moc.mehcpp@redrew.oipat
Phone: +41 (0)44 940 23 00