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Issue 06 (2024)

Supplemental Oxygen for All-Volatile Treatment under Oxidizing Conditions

Jeremy B. Smith and D. Matt Craven

With aging fleets of fossil- and gas-fired units throughout the industry, flow-accelerated corrosion failures remain a major concern. Southern Company’s water chemistry program strives to provide its fossil and gas fleet with the best innovative solutions to control water/steam cycle chemistry within the latest industry guidance. This paper explains the Southern Company Water Chemistry group’s approach to achieving and maintaining the best control over the condensate and feedwater dissolved oxygen concentration for allvolatile treatment under oxidizing conditions (AVT(O)) chemistry programs.

PPCHEM® 2024, 26(6), 288–297

For Members only

Water Treatment of Flue Gas Condensate – White Paper

Nordic IAPWS

Flue gas condensation is the cooling of flue gas below its dew point. It produces heat from the condensation of the water content of the flue gas and it produces flue gas (FG) condensate. The FG condensate must be treated for discharge or reuse, hence the term FG condensate treatment.

FG condensate treatment is a specialty of the Nordic countries, where it has been developed since the mid-1980s. Today, the technique is well established and widespread in this region. This white paper summarizes the experiences gained in the Nordic countries to provide best practices to current and new users and build a bridgehead for other countries that may use the technology in combined heat and power production.

PPCHEM® 2024, 26(6), 308–331

For Members only

Review of the vgbe Chemistry Conference 2024, 22–24 October in Potsdam

This year, the traditional vgbe Chemistry Conference celebrated its 60th anniversary. From October 22 to 24, 2024, approximately 160 participants from Germany and abroad gathered in Potsdam to discuss and learn about the latest trends and challenges in power plant chemistry.

The vgbe Chemistry Conference team expresses its gratitude to all participants, speakers, and exhibitors for their contributions, which made this event a success. The team is already looking forward to the next vgbe Chemistry Conference, scheduled to take place in Kassel from October 28 to 30, 2025.

PPCHEM® 2024, 26(6), 334–335

For Members only