Author: anderthalbAdmin
Issue 01 (2020)
For members only
Dependence of the Corrosive Environment in BWRs on Operating Conditions
Yoichi Wada, Kazushige Ishida, Nobuyuki Ota, and Makoto Nagase
The effects of core management in a boiling water reactor (BWR) on radiolytic oxygen and hydrogen peroxide concentrations in the reactor water have been studied based on a radiolysis model. An increase in core flow promoted radiolysis of water in the core region since the amount of water present in the core region became larger and mass transfer from water to steam slowed down. Also, a decrease in core peripheral power at the end of the cycle reduced the effectiveness of hydrogen water chemistry (HWC) applied to reduce radiolytic oxygen and hydrogen peroxide and the subsequent electrochemical corrosion potential for mitigation of stress corrosion cracking since the downcomer dose rate became weaker with operation. These caused an increase in the sum of the oxygen and hydrogen peroxide concentrations at the same hydrogen injection rates and the effectiveness of HWC decreased. The effectiveness of noble metal chemical addition was not affected by changes in operating conditions at a 0.5 mg · kg–1 hydrogen injection rate.
PPCHEM® 2020, 22(1), 10–17
For Members only
Water Chemistry Management for the Primary Circuit of the First EPR Unit during Hot Functional Testing
Zhu Wang, Zhi-Wei Ge, and Zi-Tao Liu
The paper describes in detail the water chemistry control during the hot functional testing (HFT) of the first European pressurized reactor (EPR) unit worldwide, and focuses on the water chemistry control during passivation treatment of the component surfaces in the primary circuit with hydrogen injection, higher pH300°C and impurity control. Two identical surveillance coupons made of Inconel 690 TT steam generator (SG) tube samples were placed in the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) to evaluate the final passivation results. Water chemistry data and metallographic analysis results show that an excellent protective film was formed on the surface of the tubes, which reduces the corrosion rate of materials and the release of corrosion products, thereby also reducing radiation source terms during commercial operation of the unit. In addition, a brief comparison of the passivation film and passivation process between two types of the 3rd generation pressurized water reactors (PWRs), especially the hydrogen injection and zinc injection technologies, was made. The benefit of the passivation process during HFT for the dose rate is preliminary, and the dose rate reduction effectiveness also depends on the applied water chemistry control methods during future power operation of the unit.
PPCHEM® 2020, 22(1), 20–29
For Members only
2019’s Scientific and Technical Contributions
PPCHEM® 2020, 22(1), 48–55
Article – Issue 01 (2020) – Dependence of the Corrosive Environment in BWRs on Operating Conditions
Article – Issue 01 (2020) – Water Chemistry Management for the Primary Circuit of the First EPR Unit during Hot Functional Testing
E-Paper – Issue 01 (2020)
Article – Issue 01 (2020) – 2019’s Scientific and Technical Contributions
E-Paper – Issue 06 (2019)
Issue 06 (2019)
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Practical Observations and Interpretation of Oxide Growth and Exfoliation in Steam
Barry Dooley and Ian Wright
Over the last 40 years oxide growth and exfoliation (OGE) in superheater and reheater tubing have been responsible for a number of power plant problems which seriously have affected reliability. In the same time period, the authors have collected a data base of scale morphologies that has been used to describe in detail the progression of oxide scale development to the point where failure can occur. The concomitant evolution of knowledge of the factors that determine the mode of scale growth and failure in steam has provided the foundation for defining the specific stages in that progression, understanding differences among ferritic and austenitic alloys, and for categorizing the influence of plant operating characteristics. In particular, while tube/steam temperature and the maximum temperature drop at plant shutdown are major variables, the specific cycle chemistry used for the plant feedwater has very little influence. Key stages in the progression of scale growth to the point of failure are identified as OGE indices that are specific for ferritic and austenitic steels. These indices are intended to be used proactively to determine the current condition of a superheater or reheater on the path to exfoliation and possible plant damage. Also, by analyzing samples of exfoliant or oxide deposits responsible for damage, the origin of the oxide, and thus a possible superheater or reheater problem, can be identified retroactively.
PPCHEM® 2019, 21(6), 374–395
For Members only
ABHUG 2019 Highlights and Press Release
The first annual meeting of ABHUG held on the 30th October to 1st November 2019 in Brisbane, Australia was chaired by Barry Dooley of Structural Integrity Associates. This first ABHUG conference followed 11 annual meetings of AHUG (Australasian HRSG Users Group) and included conventional fossil plant technology and issues closely related to those in HRSGs. ABHUG 2019 attracted 75 participants from Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Thailand, UK, and USA. About 50% of the participants were Users, which is the highest of the other HRSG forums worldwide.
PPCHEM® 2019, 21(6), 396–397
IAPWS TGD10-19 Chemistry Management in Generator Water Cooling during Operation and Shutdown
The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam
This Technical Guidance Document applies to all generators with water-cooled windings. From the operating side, adherence to a suitable water chemistry regimen as well as proper layup practices help to avoid or mitigate flow restrictions. Other influencing factors are design and materials. It is emphasized that this is an IAPWS Technical Guidance Document and that, depending on local requirements, the normal or target values will need to be customized for each case, depending on the actual conditions of operation and maintenance.
PPCHEM® 2019, 21(6), 400–439